Jana Wilson is an emotional healing educator, meditation teacher, retreat leader, hypnotherapist, HeartMath Facilitator, and founder of the Emotional Healing System. For the past two decades she has taught thousands internationally in group and private retreats. Jana trained with best selling author and physician, Deepak Chopra MD and NY Times best-selling author, Debbie Ford.
She lives off grid in the foothills of the Sangre de Christo mountain range in Santa Fe, NM, with her husband and business partner, Dr. Lance Wilson. When she is not guiding clients to heal, she enjoys hiking, yoga and watching documentaries.
Check out Emotional Healing Retreats

Work with Jana
My work is about connecting you back to your true source, your ‘essence’. It isn’t simply about getting more money or things in your life, its about discovering YOU are the one you have been waiting for! You have within you everything you have been seeking. I teach you how to connect with the source of creativity, abundance, freedom, joy, peace and love right within yourself!
You will return home not only rejuvenated and inspired by your own creative path in life, but with the tools needed to transform every day life circumstances into your life's masterpiece.